Charting Your Financial Future
Johnson Financial Services, Inc. was founded in 2003 in Las Cruces, New Mexico, with the goal of assisting our clients with every aspect of their financial lives. Our dedication to premier personal service has earned our team a reputation for excellence in our industry. Helping each client chart a successful financial future is our business and our personal commitment.
Our Commitment
Our staff of experienced professionals takes a “hands-on” approach to your financial guidance. Our team members work together, step-by-step, to help you pursue your financial goals and dreams. We are your guides to chart your financial goals, map the best route to your destination, and partner with you to maintain a disciplined, progressive pace to pursue your lifelong dreams.
Our Principle
Our company operates on the principle that communication with you to understand your current financial situation is vital to helping you make prudent decisions and set reachable goals for your financial future. We are delighted to answer your accounting, tax, and financial planning questions, or to schedule a convenient appointment for consultation. You may email us directly from our website or at bob@bobjohnsonfinancial.com. You can reach us by phone at 575-526-2500 to begin charting your financial future today.
Retirement Planning
Retirement planning shouldn't start at retirement; it should start well before. We take a long-term view of your financial wellbeing to help create a life after work that is as well-planned as your life while working.
Financial Planning
Whether it's owning your own home, funding your children's education, or creating a stress-free retirement, a financial plan is considered vital in working towards your goals. We use a consultative approach to create a financial plan that aims to meet your objectives.
Estate Planning
Having an estate plan is paramount in ensuring your estate is handled according to your wishes. Together with your estate planning attorney, we can assist in drafting documents and reviewing your situation so your estate benefits the people and charities you care about most.
Planning for Business Owners
Growing a business is a difficult undertaking today as business owners must confront a myriad of tax laws and regulations while trying to effectively create products or services, manage their employees, develop and cultivate clients, and do so profitably.
Insurance Planning
If there's one thing certain about life – it's the uncertainty that living it brings. The best laid plans can sometimes come to naught! Even though you may think you've covered all the bases, life sometimes has a funny way of throwing you a curveball when you least expect it.
Are You Retirement Ready?
Without a roadmap, the path towards and into retirement can be difficult. Having a comprehensive and up-to-date retirement strategy, with a knowledgeable financial advisory offering support, may help make the road ahead less strenuous.
At Johnson Financial Services, Inc. we believe that financial goals should be well-defined and attainable with a sound plan that allows you to chart your progress, not obscure ideals that are difficult to measure. A plan should allow you the flexibility to make changes due to unexpected life events or market instabilities, since it is impossible to predict every moment.
But most importantly, we believe that you are the most critical component of your plan and it should directly reflect your vision for your future.
Retirement planning is a significant milestone in one’s life. Our mission is to help make that transition more manageable and less stressful by building a personalized retirement strategy, offer ongoing support, unbiased advice, and objective guidance. Start preparing for tomorrow’s retirement today by contacting us to learn more or to set up a commitment-free introductory meeting.